I am running for CVSD school board position 5 to bring a conservative voice, my experience, and my knowledge to the school board. Our children are the future of our community and they deserve a quality education in a supporting learning environment that is free of political ideology indoctrination and crushing mandates. Our children, their families, and our community deserve a school board that will ensure our youngest citizens receive such education. Our families and community should be able to communicate and access school board members, especially in times of uncertainty. CVSD has been esteemed as one of the best school districts in the state. I am running to ensure this remains true for CVSD while working on aspects to further improve the district.

September update that remains: There are a lot of lies circulating about me. Please clarify what you are hearing with me before acting upon them. I would be happy to chat with you or email you back regarding your questions or concerns. I will not discuss some items on facebook any further. The deformation is outragous and I am continuing to fight against it in all realms. The contact page here is a great way to reach me; also electpam4kids@hotmail.com.
I am absolutely NOT for firing of any teachers or principals. As I state on my platform page, if a teacher is not conducting themselves well or working hard, then the district needs to address that. However, I have been very supportive of teachers/staff/principals and will continue to do so.
I am against all mandates that go against the US and WA state constitutions. Mandates on forced vaccination and masking goes against the freedom to choose healthcare for yourself, freedom of automony, freedom of liberty, and numerous other things in the consitution. Forced wearing of masks is causing serious physical health and mental health for some. Withholding educational dollars from a school district goes against the WA state consitution and numerous state laws. We have to find ways to stand and fight this illegal tyranny. There are numerous avenues that we are researching. Just saying no and doing nothing else likely will not work. However, we must fight back using the best routes possible. They will not stop with forced masks on our kids. Forced vaccines are already in the LA school district. It is coming here. The law recently changed to allow a school nurse to decide if your child needs a vaccine!! Should we allow that also?? Where is your line to fight back? Kids removed from your home to be "safe". Where is your line to fight??
Note: My views are not the views of my employer, Washington State University. I do not represent my employer in my views. I adhere to the curriculum in teaching, as I ask all teachers to do. We would have a lot less concerns if our teachers left their political views out of the classroom.
10-14 Update----Yesterday an article appeared in our local paper discussing a horrible message sent to board member Debra Long. Such messages did not come from me nor my supporters. I condemn any threats or hostility.
From the beginning of my campaign and meeting with parents and supporters I have told them we are to be respectful and gather data and facts not act on emotion. My supporters are the most kind, genuine, caring people I have ever met. They would never do this. I would also never do such a thing. Such thoughts have never even crossed my mind, let alone act on them. I pray for my opponents, not send threats to them.
What is just as disgraceful is that this act is being blamed on me and my supporters. I am a Godly woman and would never ever do such a thing nor encourage such a thing. The other side is lying and continues to lie. I do have an attorney and any lies that lead to harm of me or my family of any kind will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. We can disagree. You can say you don't like me nor vote for me. However, you cannot lie about me and accuse me of things I would never ever do or stand for. That is absolutely not ok and will not be tolerated.
Be careful who you vote for. Liars or truth seekers.
Endorsements: Spokane County Republican Party, Family Policy Institute of Washington, We Believe We Vote, Representative Bob McCaslin, Representative Rob Chase, and Spokane GOP.
Media links to appearances:
-Interview on Open Spokane Schools 6/30: https://www.facebook.com/13303009/videos/3028862200669105/
-Radio interview on Right Spokane Perspective on 10/12: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-trj8a-1101a3a
-Forum at Valley Assembly on 10/17: https://fb.watch/8UbGGIt961/
-Forum in Liberty Lake on 10/18: https://www.facebook.com/100068226699813/videos/240830598090478/
-Interview on Church and State 10/19: https://fb.watch/8UbP-NYafu/